PPG: Meeting Minutes 12th May 2022





Name Organisation/Representative Initials
Sheila Pitt PPG Chair BP
Breda Pooke PPG Vice Chair SP
Fay Godby PPG Member FG
Theresa Houghton PPG Member TH
Katy James PPG Member KJ
Margaret Coombs PPG Member MC
Neville Hudson PPG Member NH
Frances Westerman PPG Member FW
David Bay PPG Member DB
Karen Wilshaw BMC Nurse Lead FW
Daniel O'Connell BMC Practice Manager DOC
Kelly Evans – Note Taker Invicta Health CIC KE

Agenda Items


  • BP and SP welcomed attendees and outlined the agenda items and topics for discussion.


  • Christine March (CM), Stephen March (SM), Brian White (BW), Jan White (JW), Elizabeth Carlton (EC), Ann Bay (AB), Evelyn Tanner (ET), Kristy Widdicombe (CW).

Minutes of Previous Meeting and Update, and Matters Arising

  • The minutes from the meeting held on the 10th March 2022 were a true reflection.
  • National NHS Structure of CCG to change to PCN in July 2022. Update provided by OW (shared via email). NH noted lack of consultation with local PPG’s. Changes in the process are considered acute. SP attended a recent PPG Chairs meeting. Unclear whether K&M will be amalgamating PPG’s across the whole area. Concerns that East Kent will be ‘lost’ and unable to influence the wider agenda. Changes to structure will commence on 1st July. Next PPG meeting scheduled for 7th July. LB to arrange for CCG representation to attend next PPG meeting.

Terms of Reference – proposed amendment

  • Amendment shared paper detailing proposed new wording: The PPG will be led by a Chair and a Vice Chair, elected at the May Annual General Meeting. The post holders will be elected for 2 years. Additional members may be co-opted for the purpose of leading specific projects for the duration of the project. It is expected that those seeking election shall have attended at least 50% of the meetings during the year.
  • All PPG members approved changes.
  • DOC to add amended PPG TOR to BMC webpage.

BMC Updates


  • Departures: Barbara Reynolds (nurse) retiring, Sue (secretary) retiring after 9 years-service, and Tina (practice nurse) leaving the profession.
  • Recruitment: adverts in creation for a full-time nurse. Amended GP advert created to encourage more interest. Admin/secretarial and reception position advertised. Interview prescription clerk and QoF interviews scheduled.
  • Permanent doctors: Dr Huggins, Powell, Wyatt and Osman. Continue to subsidise gaps with locums.
  • Current clinical model: 3 doctors and 2 clinicians on site per day. Dr Osman and Dr Huggins will be the joint clinical leads.
  • Increase in demand across all areas (and in other practices).
  • MDT model: query on how patients are made aware of the current model. Is dependent on word of mouth and the parish newsletter. Will continue to add updates to the Facebook page but negative comments continue to be uploaded. BP suggested ‘Stop, Think, Choose’ campaign for people to consider before adding comments.
  • Comms: Patient education is fundamental. NH suggested updates/job roles at the surgery is explained in the parish newsletter.


  • AW scheduled to trained to high (GPSI) level cardiac training.
  • 2 HCA’s undergoing training; nursing associate, and senior HCA in order to assist with frailty work.
  • Active steps to increase women’s health provision (menopause, HRT, contraception) and chronic care needs at the surgery.
  • Cayli Hutton (ANP) and Ian King (Paramedic) to commence non-medical prescribing training. Funding is provided by Health Education (NHS).
  • Training model is reflective in local patient needs.
  • PLT Day: 25th May 2022. Reception customer service training to continue.

Quality & Assurance

  • Update provided to the monthly quality and assurance meeting.


  • Dashboard to be renamed to Quality and Assurance Monitoring Feedback. FW to assist in project. Areas to be monitored:
    • Waiting times for appointments with GP, Nurses and Clinicians (by appointment type)
    • Telephone answer waiting times.
    • Number of complaints in month and update on outstanding
    • FFT feedback. System has been offline but is now active (since April).
    • Number of DNA’s. Rate has been rising (March: 183 F2F, 261 failed calls). Use of appointments provided by CIC (held at QEQM). Figures will feature in parish newsletter.
  • KJ suggested that patient asked/informs which telephone number to call at time of booking. Appointment reminder texts are sent but no options provided if appointment is inconvenient.
  • Issues noted with text reminders not specifying method of appointment (F2F or telephone). Now rectified.
  • Consideration of a hotline for patient to call if unable to attend an appointment. Appointments can be cancelled via Online Access. DOC to contact telephone provider for options.
  • Surgery information screens to be reactivated. DNA’s to be added and information on how to cancel an appointment.
  • Lack of BMC use of weekend appointments at QEQM. Ratio of appointments used by other surgeries under review. DOC informed that most appointments are booked Friday morning. Consideration of a clinician being stationed at certain sites rather than QEQM.
  • Lack of space at surgery currently which prevents additional services joining the practice. More staff will be working on site.

PPG Workplan

  • Review of current virtual PPG group. Need for a wider range of members which is reflective of the community and reviewing ways on encouraging specific groups to join. Email sent by Chair to current members to query their continued membership and their age bracket. Deadline: 31.5.22.
  • KJ to volunteer with workstream for frailty and End of Life Care (EOLC).


  • 2 complaints open. 1 overdue. Common theme: inaccurate records and communication. 5 complaints received between March and May (to date).
  • Improved process in place.
  • Additional training for reception manager and admin manager.
  • Learning into action:
    • Time slots for afternoon telephone slots provided to patients. To commence from 01.06.22. Morning slots will be timed in the near future. Nursing appointments timed slots reinstated.


  • DOC to contact telephone provider for consideration of a ‘hotline’ to cancel appointments.
  • Surgery information screens to be reactivated. DNA’s to be added and information on how to cancel an appointment.

Education Sessions for Patients

  • Information education sessions for patients on certain issues. Will take place once a month (1st week of the month) from 1700-1800hrs at the surgery. Interested participants to email the PPG. Will be advertised in the parish newsletters. Trial for 6 months with review after this period. Upcoming sessions:
    • Medicine management - 7 July. Owner: AW
    • Diabetes – 8 th September. Owner: KW ▪ Respiratory – 6 th October
    • Frailty and Palliative Team – 3 rd November
    • Cardiac Conditions – 8th December
    • Men’s Health – Jan 2022 (TBC). DOC discuss with LB to have clinics at the surgery.

Election of Chair and Vice Chair

  • SP and SP nominated to be chair and vice chair for a 2 year period. Congratulations!
  • Ni other nominations received.

Issues raised by members:

  • Would it be possible to have a skin clinic to check out moles?
    • Patients are encouraged to use e-Consult. Currently patients are seen at Westgate Surgery for the Dermascope session. Consideration of service being held at weekends at BMC and extended to other practices within Thanet. HCA to be trained to use dermascope and reviewing current workforce. EKHUFT will be the provider for this service and a bid has been submitted. Looking at budgets and staffing. Dermascope results will be sent to dermatology consultant. HCA unable to provide a diagnosis.
  • Concern: when patient is at reception changing an appointment and wanting to make another appointment on another issue to be told to phone on Friday to be seen in 3 weeks. Is this really the system?
    • This is currently correct for patients requesting to see doctors. Possibly linked to lack of understanding of other clinicians that patients can see at the surgery. Pathways for care to be discussed with receptionists at next PLT.
    • Noted that e-Consult is increasingly being used which does require a dedicated doctor/clinician and admin staff to manage workflow.
    • Routine appointments can be booked 3 weeks in advance on Friday’s. Informed that appointments are booked quickly. On the day appointments are available to be booked from 0800hrs.
    • Query over need to inform receptionists of reason of call. Receptionists are care navigators who is able to advise on appropriate pathway of care. Consider changing job title from receptionists to care navigators.

Any Other Business

  • DB – grateful for work that has happened over the last two years.
  • BP thanked staff and PPG for their contributions to the service.
  • Meeting closed at 1700hrs

Date of Next Meeting

  • 7th July 2022, 1500-1630hrs, Conference Room Birchington Medical Centre