Adult Immunisations




Tetanus & Polio

All adults should ensure that they have had a total of five does of tetanus vaccine in their life and they have had  full course of polio in the past.  If in doubt, please check with the receptionist. Protection against tetanus and polio should be kept up to date. A full primary course with a booster at 15 years of age should be followed by at least two boosters at 10 year intervals to protect throughout life.


Flu vaccination

The Practice is offering Seasonal Advice and Flu Vaccinations. For more information on availability and when vaccinations are scheduled please call the surgery or check out this page on our website


Pneumococcal vaccination

The Pneumococcal vaccination prevents a certain type of pneumonia. This is a one off vaccination recommended for the over 65’s, for those who have no spleen, who are immuno-suppressed, diabetic or suffer from chronic bronchitis or heart disease.


Hepatitis B vaccination

The Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for homosexuals, bisexuals, intravenous drug users, or at-risk professionals ie doctors, nurses, police officers, ambulance personnel etc., though there may be a charge for some professions.


Travel Immunisations

The practice nurses provide comprehensive advice about overseas travel and vaccination. See our Travel page for details. A charge is made for non NHS injections.